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2014 Surfrider Foundation Internship

Internship Opportunity
Washington Ocean Recreation Outreach Coordinator
The Surfrider Foundation seeks a Washington Recreation Outreach Coordinator to support stakeholder engagement in marine spatial planning. The position’s main responsibility is to identify, communicate with, and engage recreational interests throughout Washington in the state’s marine spatial planning process for the Pacific coast. The intern will work under the direction of Casey Dennehy, Washington Pacific Coast Manager, and Brice Boland, Washington Field Manager, and requires 10-15 hours per week for 6-12 months.
Position Responsibilities :
1.     Identify groups, associations, and businesses that broadly represent ocean and coastal recreation in Washington
2.     Conduct outreach to recreation interests by email and other media, phone, and in-person meetings on ocean planning and Surfrider’s engagement in the process
3.     Organize workshops and public forums to present data from Surfrider’s recreational use study and solicit feedback on draft maps and other study products
4.     Promote opportunities for the recreation sector to participate in ocean planning through public meetings, comment periods, and workshops.
5.     Manage and update the Washington Recreational Gatekeeper Database
6.     Implement a social media campaign to promote engagement of recreational users in the ocean planning process
7.     Develop outreach materials for recreational users on regional ocean planning
8.     Meet and collaborate with project partners including The Nature Conservancy, Point 97/Ecotrust, Resource Media and others
Desired Qualifications :
1.       Ability to communicate effectively with ocean stakeholders, using both in-person and written strategies
2.       Proficient with Facebook, Twitter, Mailchimp, and other digital communications
3.       Knowledge of ocean and coastal recreation in Washington
4.       Ability to work flexible hours from a home office or on the road
5.       Proficient in Microsoft Word, Power Point, and Excel
6.       Access to a vehicle
Hours and Compensation:
The position is 10 – 15 hours per week for 6 - 12 months. Compensation is $12 per hour and travel is reimbursed.
To Apply:
Interested candidates should email a cover letter, resume and references by March 21 st 2014 to: Casey Dennehy at