Following amendments to secure additional support and passage on the Senate floor, the Plastic Bag Bill (Engrossed Substitute SB 5323) has been working its way thru the various committees in the House over the past few weeks. The bill now is awaiting scheduling for a full vote on the House floor which is the last hurdle it needs to cross before heading to the Governor for signature, and this is where your help is needed!
Please take a few minutes today to lend your support and help reduce this chronic source of plastic pollution in our communities, and on our beaches and in the ocean.
2 easy ways that you can help:
- Call your State Representatives office, Phone message: Single-use plastics are polluting our environment and harming wildlife in the ocean, in rivers and on our surrounding lands. Plastic has been documented in nearly 700 species of marine life. We are one vote away from making WA State the next state to ban plastic bags, but we need your help. Call your representatives! Legislative Hotline: 1.800.562.6000
"I am calling to urge you to take up and pass SB 5323 the "Reusable Bag Bill,” including the 8-cent pass-through charge for paper bags and thick, reusable plastic film bags. Plastic checkout bags are a public nuisance and cause harm to Washington's beautiful lands and waters. Not only do they harm wildlife, but also cause major contamination at recycling and composting facilities and are costly to clean up.I support you taking action to reduce plastic pollution by passing SB 5323, the Reusable Bag Bill!"
- Participate in our action alert, and encourage your family, friends and neighbors to do so as well.

More background: The Reusable Bag Bill passed the Washington Senate with bi-partisan support by a vote of 31-14 last month and now it is time for the House to vote! The bill includes a ban on thin plastic carry out bags and an 8 cent charge for paper bags and reusable thick plastic film bags, as negotiated in the Senate. The charge incentivizes the public to bring their own bags and also helps smaller retail shops cover the cost of the more expensive paper and reusable plastic film bags. This is the proven method of effective plastic bag policy as outlined in the Surfrider Foundation Plastic Bag Law Activist Toolkit.